We have many interesting and memorable experiences working in the industry that we do, and with the diverse and multi-cultured staff contingency we have. We thought it might be worthwhile sharing some of these experiences. Which is why we decided to start a weekly blog- our QoT Experience Log, our Qlog. And perhaps it’ll turn out just the way it sounds; like you shouldn’t be wearing it to dance in…or alternatively, our anecdotes will provide some worthy learning material. So here it is in all its fledgling, un-chatgpt’d glory…behold, the Qlog!

In sticking with the fledgling theme of this first blog, this week was a great one for our QoT “fledglings”; our last three graduates who have not yet had the opportunity to stretch their Quality Engineering wings, were placed at one of our long-term clients to gain their practical experience. Our graduate programme runs from February to February every year and is responsible for creating high-quality Quality Engineers who don’t just learn about testing, but who learn about software Quality Assurance from inception to deployment.
Our trainee QoTians (yes, this is the unfortunate name that we affectionately call our people by) come to us already as exceptional people. We have a rigorous hiring process to ensure that we attract people who we believe fit our very different culture and are capable of leaping the hurdles we throw in front of them. Our “grads” spend three months in our offices, learning from multiple trainers, how to Test software in an Agile environment, Automation (both GUI and API), Mobile Testing, Performance Testing and Business skills. They do multiple case studies, learn multiple tools and do multiple presentations on their learnings. They learn that they can be creative and use their skills and strengths as individuals to experiment and make a difference. When we believe they are ready to take on the software quality assurance world, (and we mean head-on, not from a dark corner under the stairs) we ask our beloved clients if these exceptional individuals can come break their teeth in their teams and prove their worth as Quality Engineers.
So, back to this week; our last three grads (the rest are already a month into the practical) took to the skies and, with much excitement and trepidation, made their way onto our client site. It’s always very exciting and liberating to see this happen. We watch how they develop over the course of the first half of this year and have much faith and confidence that they will not only land on their feet, but they will impress with their tenacity and perseverance. So, a great week for us as we see the product of all their efforts culminate into something that will make a great difference in our industry…we know they will do different and amazing things and we look forward to the revolution.
Go forth and conquer QoTians!
#QoTExperienceLog #Qlog #MemorableMoments #IndustryInsights #DiverseWorkforce #MultiCulturedStaff #QualityEngineering #PracticalExperience #GraduateProgram #SoftwareQualityAssurance #AgileTesting #Automation #MobileTesting #PerformanceTesting #BusinessSkills #CreativeIndividuals #QualityEngineers #NewBeginnings #ProfessionalGrowth #ClientEngagement #TeamWork #IndustryRevolution #ConquerTheFuture